hi guys... watcha duin? its weekend... and yeaahhhh I felt so bored... stuck in here,, duing something without knowing what i'm duin.. it is freaking bored..yesterday, i only spent couples hours to read n write.. a monthly thing occured yesterday, and as usual it was hurtful.... PMS.... how can i hate u.. always be my side... sorry boys, its the girl's stuff... i just lay down n having some 'minyak angin ' on my stomach n lastly, i gave up.. i ended up by eating pain killer, paracetamol... luckily, its getting better now... when i was suffering last nite, i wonder how it feel to have someone by urside when u need one... yeah... either ur famili or ur bf.. I'm gald n thankful to have my family even i dont have a bf.. a bf to take care of me.. even i can take care of myself... actually i think i dont need a bf.. I'm happy to live like this, being myself, not trying to acts or being so polite when ur bf is around..

i'm just girl , love to myself.. when i do somethings, yes! thats the real me.. no one have the right to doubt who am i,rite? last week, i feel like i want to wear the real muslimah dress, or the clothes that really cover my 'aurat' n i did it... i felt so comfortable in them....i'm thankful coz Allah gave me at least a little tiny thought to change my dresssing code.. yeah.. im a muslim,but not the good one.. i wonder till when i'll be like this... i do want to change something bout myself... maybe the way i approach, the way i talk, the way i socialize with people around me.but it takes time.. i used to be such a hyper and cheerful girl... i'm sorry if u dont like the way i live.. but you dont know the real me.. so STOP JUDGING ME.... i'll always be me and I' M YEIN ALIAS!