i'm editting my blog.. read somethng dat remind me of someone... i miss my granny...
nak blik.. rindu sngt nk ziarah kubur arwah nenek yein,,, mesti arwah kt sana rindu jgk kt yein....
my granny means a lot to me before..... n always will be...
she's the one dat take good care of me... since i was a baby.. i was diffrnt from others.. i 'll cry almost evrytime expt when im asleep.... how hard and patient she was to look after me ....
Al-Fatihah to my late granny....
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
urm.. nothing much to say.. it just me tryin to say how much i'm sick being here... really wanna go home..cant wait till i finished up two more weeks in palam.. i gonna miss my freinds here but my love for my family is so much stronger... hate to know dat i've someone as 'friend'... really'freind'... true 'freind'.. can u guys imagine i'm seeing 'dat creature' everyday.. looking at the 'true friend' face... =(
cant wait to get my whole life back.....(^-^)
i learn somethng new today... how much i knew myself???
.. i bet only 57%... huhuhu... i miss someone but i dont know who dat person is... scary isnt it??
onestly,i'm still flying in the air n being lost... need someone as my GpS...
nothing more to say.. coz i'm feeling dat i'm 'mengarut ' already... dooodless...
cant wait to get my whole life back.....(^-^)
i learn somethng new today... how much i knew myself???
.. i bet only 57%... huhuhu... i miss someone but i dont know who dat person is... scary isnt it??
onestly,i'm still flying in the air n being lost... need someone as my GpS...
nothing more to say.. coz i'm feeling dat i'm 'mengarut ' already... dooodless...
mE,miNe, mySelf..& i.....
weekend passed by like wind... so fast...manage to do some stuff only... But.. it gonna be fine..
i kind of enjoy myself duin things i want to.. not need to..=)
just a small thing dat ruin my daily life...it gonna be better soon..waitin 4 dat moment... dis evenin , me n my schoolmate went for a walk and feed da fishes.. got some boys fishing there.. quite a nice weather as the rain just stopped.. feelin calmer.. and i'm tryin to 4get someone dat i having a crash once..long time ago.. coz i found a new one... after some time being close to him,finally we got special 'thing' between u... thanks to my fwens, espclly him... love u so much Mr.xx7..
my fwens bcome confius bout my status...onestly, i'm just having good relationshp wit some1...=)
after attndg 'muzikal akustik', me n tomato had a nite walk,taking pics.. love to do so...
i kind of enjoy myself duin things i want to.. not need to..=)
just a small thing dat ruin my daily life...it gonna be better soon..waitin 4 dat moment... dis evenin , me n my schoolmate went for a walk and feed da fishes.. got some boys fishing there.. quite a nice weather as the rain just stopped.. feelin calmer.. and i'm tryin to 4get someone dat i having a crash once..long time ago.. coz i found a new one... after some time being close to him,finally we got special 'thing' between u... thanks to my fwens, espclly him... love u so much Mr.xx7..
my fwens bcome confius bout my status...onestly, i'm just having good relationshp wit some1...=)
after attndg 'muzikal akustik', me n tomato had a nite walk,taking pics.. love to do so...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
loVe 'eM oL...
tHanks to orchid,daisy,lily,sunflower,rose.... i'm hvin a great nite.. spending time to talk n laugh tghtr...
actually im having the'cik peaH' party tonite.. bought big apple donuts,chips, A kfc....then got KOWWW nescafe.. what a great blend...urm....
keep smiling when i b wit them....i'm glad to know i still got frens like 'em... LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH...
some snap pic of '..cik pEaH' party....
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flower... like my herat blooming... |
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orchid +lily+sunflower= kedah |
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aoOOOOwsome!!!! |
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oreo 4 daisy |
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our faveret.. alien |
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food lovers... |
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half of 'em |
Friday, February 25, 2011
bUah haTi sayA...
huhuhu.. sya ade nick name baru..C kosong.. comel x???
sy nk thanks bnyk2 kt lecture sy kt palam,... either in first sem or sec.sem... love 'em all....
dis sem ade 2 lecturer y jadi tmpt rujukan sy... thanks sngt2.... sy slalu mgadu kt dieorg... n diorg bnyk give me support n advise... sy tharu sngt.. sy janji x kn sia2kn ape y sy blaja....
tp sy bkn lecture's pet.... sy bkn bodek sape2.. sy cume perlukn nasihat dyeorg untk baiki n betulkn salah sy...
n bg sy lecturer perlu dhormati....tkilan ngan satu comment kt fb... wlau sy maarah org. sy x ckp bnd mcarut n bnd y lay jatuhkan maruah org.. sy ttp akan ckp sbaek mungkin.. my mum x ajar sy ckp kasar n x senonoh(suara sy je y kasar n bahasa InsaAllah x)...pelik ble kwn kte uat cm2 kt kte... kte anggp dye kwn n pd sy die ttp kwn.... sy akn cube faham dye... =) ....x ley blame dye coz evryone got own persptve of thinking kn??
jd chilL la Fazreen Alias....may Allah give me the strenght to make it through... n may Allah bless me....~Amin~
sy nk thanks bnyk2 kt lecture sy kt palam,... either in first sem or sec.sem... love 'em all....
dis sem ade 2 lecturer y jadi tmpt rujukan sy... thanks sngt2.... sy slalu mgadu kt dieorg... n diorg bnyk give me support n advise... sy tharu sngt.. sy janji x kn sia2kn ape y sy blaja....
tp sy bkn lecture's pet.... sy bkn bodek sape2.. sy cume perlukn nasihat dyeorg untk baiki n betulkn salah sy...
n bg sy lecturer perlu dhormati....tkilan ngan satu comment kt fb... wlau sy maarah org. sy x ckp bnd mcarut n bnd y lay jatuhkan maruah org.. sy ttp akan ckp sbaek mungkin.. my mum x ajar sy ckp kasar n x senonoh(suara sy je y kasar n bahasa InsaAllah x)...pelik ble kwn kte uat cm2 kt kte... kte anggp dye kwn n pd sy die ttp kwn.... sy akn cube faham dye... =) ....x ley blame dye coz evryone got own persptve of thinking kn??
jd chilL la Fazreen Alias....may Allah give me the strenght to make it through... n may Allah bless me....~Amin~
rEflecting MYsElf...
tend to speak in Malay when it comes to "heart things"...
istilah y x leh bla.... actually, pkara y bkaitan hati n diri...ptg ni abes je lecture fizik,pg rafel n bought somethg to eat...then orchid ask me to have a break n santai kt bwh jap.. so Ok je.... kiteorg talk sal bnyk benda... n onestly, sy dapat rase orchid is someone y really nice to talk to n she can be a good n best friend..
first,kiteorg ckp sal ape y da blaku spnjg sem2 n klimaks tension ... huhuhu... muhasabah diri.. orchid kate die da fhm my pragai.. i mmg panas baran ... n dye tau sy ni cpt sejuk... sy bley marah org tlampau2 then 30 minit pas2 spoke softly n nicely to dat person...pelik tp it's me... huhuhuhu...then kiteorg ckp sal family...i dpt rase i ni too depending n org y really need famili support...dlm my family,i'm the only one y stay kt umah smpai form5 .. all my siblings stdy kt Sbp...n dat why sy terlalu manja... sy satu2nya ank y x ley mkn ikan sendiri.. i need someone untk buang the tulang b4 i eat...lau x tcekik tulang.. n klau ayam,.. sy x kn mkn bahagian laen slain isi ayam.. sy x mkn paha ayam,wing n bhgian laen,,,n my mum hanya masak isi ayam sje... mgade kn???
sy x de best freind...dr form 3... kt sini sy ade la bbrp kwn y rapat,orchid,tulip,sunflwer,rose n daisy...n my housemate,,,,Tomato...huhuhu...hahaha.... comel kn???
my famili pentingkan kesempurnaan....n sy cube menyempurnakan diri wlau x kdg2 rase lemah..kuatkn diri fazreen Alias.... lps almostt sejam kot ckp ngan orchid, sy dpt konklusi ....jadi diri kite sendiri...then orchid tambah ayat 2.."dan sentiasa cube memperbaiki diri"... lengkap lah satu persoalan... dan x perlu da mencari konklusi...
saya rindu abah saya... skrg abah kt indonesia...
2 ari lepas dye dtg PD...then smlm pg Johor then [ptg smlm pg Pulau Karimo.. mantap r..... sakan bjalan.. jln lupa anakmu di sini... Saya sayang abah saya....
next week my mum nk g Jakarta.... nk pesan bnyk benda utk dibeli... hahaha...ank y baek kn???
huhuhuhu....x sabar nya....=p
esk test comp 2... wish me luck k.... doakn sy dpt markah cemerlang...
istilah y x leh bla.... actually, pkara y bkaitan hati n diri...ptg ni abes je lecture fizik,pg rafel n bought somethg to eat...then orchid ask me to have a break n santai kt bwh jap.. so Ok je.... kiteorg talk sal bnyk benda... n onestly, sy dapat rase orchid is someone y really nice to talk to n she can be a good n best friend..
first,kiteorg ckp sal ape y da blaku spnjg sem2 n klimaks tension ... huhuhu... muhasabah diri.. orchid kate die da fhm my pragai.. i mmg panas baran ... n dye tau sy ni cpt sejuk... sy bley marah org tlampau2 then 30 minit pas2 spoke softly n nicely to dat person...pelik tp it's me... huhuhuhu...then kiteorg ckp sal family...i dpt rase i ni too depending n org y really need famili support...dlm my family,i'm the only one y stay kt umah smpai form5 .. all my siblings stdy kt Sbp...n dat why sy terlalu manja... sy satu2nya ank y x ley mkn ikan sendiri.. i need someone untk buang the tulang b4 i eat...lau x tcekik tulang.. n klau ayam,.. sy x kn mkn bahagian laen slain isi ayam.. sy x mkn paha ayam,wing n bhgian laen,,,n my mum hanya masak isi ayam sje... mgade kn???
sy x de best freind...dr form 3... kt sini sy ade la bbrp kwn y rapat,orchid,tulip,sunflwer,rose n daisy...n my housemate,,,,Tomato...huhuhu...hahaha.... comel kn???
my famili pentingkan kesempurnaan....n sy cube menyempurnakan diri wlau x kdg2 rase lemah..kuatkn diri fazreen Alias.... lps almostt sejam kot ckp ngan orchid, sy dpt konklusi ....jadi diri kite sendiri...then orchid tambah ayat 2.."dan sentiasa cube memperbaiki diri"... lengkap lah satu persoalan... dan x perlu da mencari konklusi...
saya rindu abah saya... skrg abah kt indonesia...
2 ari lepas dye dtg PD...then smlm pg Johor then [ptg smlm pg Pulau Karimo.. mantap r..... sakan bjalan.. jln lupa anakmu di sini... Saya sayang abah saya....
next week my mum nk g Jakarta.... nk pesan bnyk benda utk dibeli... hahaha...ank y baek kn???
huhuhuhu....x sabar nya....=p
esk test comp 2... wish me luck k.... doakn sy dpt markah cemerlang...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
got stuck in lif... need to be careful n watch out .... luckly i'm not afraid.. i was so calm n didnt feel anything when i stuck alone in da lif. as i knew Allah be wit me as long i remmbr Allah. got some pics taken also in da lif
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superman to the rescue...=P |
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takin shot while stuck in.. |
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smiling??? suppose 2 cry la honey.. |
ystrday, my freind ask me to join her to feed fishes.. havin such a good time to do so...
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best dress code to feed fishes....=) |
Urmmmm....got to go..... c u again my bloggy... gonna miss u.........
niCe Day... bLeEding.. then Got plAster ....
praise Allah coz i got a good marks for my test 2 math.. hoping 4 da best in test physics 2... insyaAllah i'll never stop hoping and making my way to realise all my dreams...then no need to call 'em as dream anymore...
got someting special.. some pics of my groupmates... luv pOne n u guys...
to Asma sasabila...i luv u so much n u r one of the best n true friend i ever had.... i know what u thinking n u know what i'm thinkng 2... be strong as u showed me.. u r one of my mentor,i'll try 2 have all the +ve atttde u had.. they just a small pieces of junk food u ate..n then they only fit with some1 dat have the 'cleverness' as they do...=) p0ne.............
got someting special.. some pics of my groupmates... luv pOne n u guys...
to Asma sasabila...i luv u so much n u r one of the best n true friend i ever had.... i know what u thinking n u know what i'm thinkng 2... be strong as u showed me.. u r one of my mentor,i'll try 2 have all the +ve atttde u had.. they just a small pieces of junk food u ate..n then they only fit with some1 dat have the 'cleverness' as they do...=) p0ne.............
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dhina...luv u.... |
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mesyuarat ahli jkk~naqi,azrit,izzat |
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class rep.... dedicated kn?? |
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hanif ramli,jerb,fareed,izzwan,khalid =) |
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irfan,momo,asyraf ali,harith..=P |
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fikry,hanif aminudin,azrit,naqi n adik...=} |
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1/2cherique,fareed,hanif.......ehhhh!! |
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hanif razali,faridul atrash,naqi,adik,mJ,hafiz mohd..=] |
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twin....same birthday.. |
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zila & ckin =) |
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
t0nite i'm havin a drama time...i played late Dato Onn's role.... its quite tough and i felt dat i cant be an actrss.. not meant to.. its my assgment for Malaysian Politics... huhuhuhu... all my groupmates were so nice n supporting .. luv 'em all.... nina,chik,mec na,ekyn,aina,kI,aten,kila,teha....
opefully we'll get da best grade n all our efforts worth well.. got to go miss director is calling.. got to memorise some scriptS 4 my last scence.. WISH ME LUCK.....=O
t0nite i'm havin a drama time...i played late Dato Onn's role.... its quite tough and i felt dat i cant be an actrss.. not meant to.. its my assgment for Malaysian Politics... huhuhuhu... all my groupmates were so nice n supporting .. luv 'em all.... nina,chik,mec na,ekyn,aina,kI,aten,kila,teha....
opefully we'll get da best grade n all our efforts worth well.. got to go miss director is calling.. got to memorise some scriptS 4 my last scence.. WISH ME LUCK.....=O
Monday, February 21, 2011
5 MorE to gO...^_^
wondering what will be 5??? actully its 5 more month 2 go for my belated birthday...huhuhu.. my age bcome older n older.. hopefully, my maturity too... even the days we spend together passed....i'll gonna remember all of u as part of my life once n forever.. to all my freinds in P one... "sy syg kamu semua.. 36/37"... another 1/37 gonna be ME!!!huhuhu... time n memories wit u guys gonna last forever n honestly i'm glad to know all of them n i shared soo many things from them,, hardship,laughs n tears...BUT... i' m just gonna remember the sweet one as the hurting one was just only co-incident... and i knew, they didnt mean it.. just differ in ideology i guess.. im gonna be strong n hard... thanks 2 one of boys in P one..his words 2 me means a lot.."be strong k"
feelin like having fever.. got something dat hurt my nostril...trying to be strong n getting better...
lets have pics time!!!
feelin like having fever.. got something dat hurt my nostril...trying to be strong n getting better...
lets have pics time!!!
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cEo Mcd... |
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sunFlower lah!!! |
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kehidupan berkuliah~mungkin???~ |
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gadis jelita d pinggir jalan.. |
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new member?? |
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lily n orchid |
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rose |
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engineers in da making... |
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baby @ mcd.. Najlah.. |
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opAh orchid |
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lily blooming(^_^) |
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berunsur kepura-puraan |
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
truly,deeply.. honestly.. it's me...
may i speak in malay.
..idup kita ibarat lembaran kertas A4 y kosong....kita sentiasa melarik tinta..menumpah dakwat..mewarnai idup kita agar lebih bermakna..tapi kenapa hanya kita?? org laen?? kamu masih ada nafas.. .kelopak mata kamu masih berkelip2... menatap coretan hati y ikhlas dr sy..ntah knape sy tergerak hati melempar sisa2 hati di blog nie...idup.. ape makna sebenar idup kita?? sekadar bernyawa.. belajar.. bercinta..bekerja?? sy sendiri masih tercari2 apa i2 idup? idup ni abstrak..x dpt dilihat.. tp dapat merasa.. menghayati..
idup perlukn cinta.. cinta y tulus.. setulus cinta zulaika..sesuci cinta Nabi Muhammad kpd isteri2nya... saya da jpe brpe portion cinta.. cinta sesama insan...cinta anak kpd ma n abah.. cinta kpd saudara...juga cinta sy untk kamu... cinta pd Yang Maha pencipta...telah sy temui tp sy masih tergapai2..mencari n mengatur langkah menggapai cinta sejati n cinta sebenar pd Allah.
wahai temanku... sy syg kamu....x penting pun siape kamu.... kamu ttp kwn sy.. wlau kte x pnh baek... saya syg orchid ,tulip,rose....sama mcm saya sy orange..watermelon.. sy mungkin susah didekati ..mungkin kerna berbeza prinsip idup...tp ini lah sy.. trima lah sy apa adanya.. .tp kamu kwn sy n maafkn sy jika ada salah.. sy insan lemah..x sesempurna y laen...tp ini sy...
sy penat idup dgn air mata....
sy pernah kecewa dgn cinta duniawi...tp i2 x pentng..sy perlukn cinta d sana... di akhirat...
bkn riak.. bkn takbur... tp ikhlas ..
"ampunkn dosaku,ibubapaku..sanak saudaraku,guruku,rakan2ku,kurniakan la kpd kami kebahgian d dunia dan akhirat"...
ini selitan doa y sy baca slps solat fardu....dan kamu perlu tau kamu salah seorng dari mereka...
percayalah sy syg kamu apa adanya....KAMU TETAP KAWAN SAYA..
sy nk lempar semua kisah lalu... buang sejarah lalu...melakar 1 idup yg baru....idup demi Yang Satu...
YeinAlias<4.24pg/ 19 Feb 2011>
..idup kita ibarat lembaran kertas A4 y kosong....kita sentiasa melarik tinta..menumpah dakwat..mewarnai idup kita agar lebih bermakna..tapi kenapa hanya kita?? org laen?? kamu masih ada nafas.. .kelopak mata kamu masih berkelip2... menatap coretan hati y ikhlas dr sy..ntah knape sy tergerak hati melempar sisa2 hati di blog nie...idup.. ape makna sebenar idup kita?? sekadar bernyawa.. belajar.. bercinta..bekerja?? sy sendiri masih tercari2 apa i2 idup? idup ni abstrak..x dpt dilihat.. tp dapat merasa.. menghayati..
idup perlukn cinta.. cinta y tulus.. setulus cinta zulaika..sesuci cinta Nabi Muhammad kpd isteri2nya... saya da jpe brpe portion cinta.. cinta sesama insan...cinta anak kpd ma n abah.. cinta kpd saudara...juga cinta sy untk kamu... cinta pd Yang Maha pencipta...telah sy temui tp sy masih tergapai2..mencari n mengatur langkah menggapai cinta sejati n cinta sebenar pd Allah.
wahai temanku... sy syg kamu....x penting pun siape kamu.... kamu ttp kwn sy.. wlau kte x pnh baek... saya syg orchid ,tulip,rose....sama mcm saya sy orange..watermelon.. sy mungkin susah didekati ..mungkin kerna berbeza prinsip idup...tp ini lah sy.. trima lah sy apa adanya.. .tp kamu kwn sy n maafkn sy jika ada salah.. sy insan lemah..x sesempurna y laen...tp ini sy...
sy penat idup dgn air mata....
sy pernah kecewa dgn cinta duniawi...tp i2 x pentng..sy perlukn cinta d sana... di akhirat...
bkn riak.. bkn takbur... tp ikhlas ..
"ampunkn dosaku,ibubapaku..sanak saudaraku,guruku,rakan2ku,kurniakan la kpd kami kebahgian d dunia dan akhirat"...
ini selitan doa y sy baca slps solat fardu....dan kamu perlu tau kamu salah seorng dari mereka...
percayalah sy syg kamu apa adanya....KAMU TETAP KAWAN SAYA..
sy nk lempar semua kisah lalu... buang sejarah lalu...melakar 1 idup yg baru....idup demi Yang Satu...
YeinAlias<4.24pg/ 19 Feb 2011>
Thursday, February 17, 2011
yup... i'm the most complicated girl... got lot of inner crisis.. people judge me from what they see not what they know...in Palam, early in my second sem, i cried almost evryday n evrynite... i felt dat people around me hate me.. even my groupmates p1,, upset wit myself. lost my selfconfidnce.. i got too many things inside my head to think of.. sometimes i hate myself ..i got my own probs ... vry personal...
then i met some1.. change my life to a better one...love him a lot.. but he didnt realised it.. he da one that im findin as he can change all prspctive of my life... all im doin is 4 my mum,my dad n da most imprtnt.. to Allah..
HOPEFULLY.. all my p1 groupmates will understnd n respect my feelin...i dont want anythng else.. just a frienshp full of sincrty... yein+ tears=normal...
i felt better when i read a book... La Tahzan.."dont be sad"..
why i cant be sad??
1.'dunia ini terlalu hina untk ditangisi'
2'memaafkan org y myakiti kita lebih manis brbnding membenci mereka'
3.'bersama org bodoh menmpkkn kbodohan diri'
dis book affect me a lot.. very nice book 2 read..
please be nice wit me coz im fragile need to be handle wit care...
then i met some1.. change my life to a better one...love him a lot.. but he didnt realised it.. he da one that im findin as he can change all prspctive of my life... all im doin is 4 my mum,my dad n da most imprtnt.. to Allah..
HOPEFULLY.. all my p1 groupmates will understnd n respect my feelin...i dont want anythng else.. just a frienshp full of sincrty... yein+ tears=normal...
i felt better when i read a book... La Tahzan.."dont be sad"..
why i cant be sad??
1.'dunia ini terlalu hina untk ditangisi'
2'memaafkan org y myakiti kita lebih manis brbnding membenci mereka'
3.'bersama org bodoh menmpkkn kbodohan diri'
dis book affect me a lot.. very nice book 2 read..
please be nice wit me coz im fragile need to be handle wit care...
fiRst LovE...
urmmm.it was a long time ago n i can even put all these story in history text book.. huhuhu.. i felt in love when i was in sec sem of form 2..<at age of 14>.. naughty girl isnt it?? i knew him by one of my frens.. it all began wit a message...after one month, we declare as a couple.. 'cinta kanak2'.. very happy 2 be wit him.. eveen we didnt meet yet.. just texting evryday n called at nite..really in love with him.. can even talk for 5 hours n it cost a lot till my phone bill getting 2 hundreds... evrythng ran smoothly.. he love me n i love him.. the most romantic moment i had wit him when i had a minor fever.. he accmpnied me all nite long...waitin 4 me to sleep.. he sang songs to 'dodoi' me..n lastly i felt asleep..when i woke up the next morning... grabbed my phone n guess what??? he still on line.. waitin 4 me. very .touchin wit his gesture on me... i love him.. truly in love with him...
we get along well, till last july.. july 2010.. we broke up... wit no reasons.. 4 me, it's bcoz he's not the one 4 me.. it was almost 4 years n somethng ...
Dear K.A...
yein still syg K.A.. as a fren.. hope u'll be happy n succss in ur life.. thanks 4 all da memories we had... really love u...u r my first love n i'll never 4get bout u...LOVE U....
we get along well, till last july.. july 2010.. we broke up... wit no reasons.. 4 me, it's bcoz he's not the one 4 me.. it was almost 4 years n somethng ...
Dear K.A...
yein still syg K.A.. as a fren.. hope u'll be happy n succss in ur life.. thanks 4 all da memories we had... really love u...u r my first love n i'll never 4get bout u...LOVE U....
what an exshtng day.. finished my exprmt.. both my test just ok-ok...gonna settle down n relax a bit tonite.. stress.. got eye bag as i'm not sleeping well...just called my mum and 'mengadu domba'... not suit well wit palam envrment.. dust evrywhere.. water suply is dirty.. my skin allergic become worst..at nite, my leg got 'lebam2'.. got 'bintik2'... sick n suffer ..=(
got some - n + comments bout my blog.. i'll try 2 make it better... actually i miss my first blog...created 2 years ago.. deactivate already.. dat 1 more private cmpare 2 dis one.. i wrote .. just to share n to xpress what i'm feelin ...blog is just one of my medium 2 cmmnicate wit myself n others...
one of my frens lost his wallet.. hopeflly he'll find it back.... treat him a lunch as i just wanna help n cheer him up ..no misunderstanding...he got his gf, n i got mine... still in love wit some1 n hope it last 4ever..
waitin 4 his call tonite.. really wanna spend all nite long talking 2 him...
<p/s: i love u mr.mohd....>
got some - n + comments bout my blog.. i'll try 2 make it better... actually i miss my first blog...created 2 years ago.. deactivate already.. dat 1 more private cmpare 2 dis one.. i wrote .. just to share n to xpress what i'm feelin ...blog is just one of my medium 2 cmmnicate wit myself n others...
one of my frens lost his wallet.. hopeflly he'll find it back.... treat him a lunch as i just wanna help n cheer him up ..no misunderstanding...he got his gf, n i got mine... still in love wit some1 n hope it last 4ever..
waitin 4 his call tonite.. really wanna spend all nite long talking 2 him...
<p/s: i love u mr.mohd....>
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rooftop =) |
why fruits n flowers??
fruits are such the fantastic creation of Allah.. healthy food,.. n i love 2 eat them.. dats why i named people around me wit those funny n ridiclous names,, hope they'll take it easy n undrstand.. my frens seems 2 be like 'fruits' as they suport me n give me healthy life... i luv my kijimalu oppa..my boyfrens.. & all my groupmates in p1..
girls stuff got many flower.. so dat why my girl frens named by flowers...
Dat da reasons, no others...=)
new characters, not know much bout 'em all but they still part of my life in palam...
luv 'em too... thanks 4 evrythng my buddies...
girls stuff got many flower.. so dat why my girl frens named by flowers...
Dat da reasons, no others...=)
new characters, not know much bout 'em all but they still part of my life in palam...
luv 'em too... thanks 4 evrythng my buddies...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
4 girls only.. or else boys wanna know how actcly girls wearing a shawl... dis trend start around 2007-2008.. i begin to wear shawl in form 4 ,introduced by my sis...she gave me my first one,a plain,black shawl...
some of my buddies...said it quite complicated 2 wear it... got to 'belit2' around.. some gave me da reason dat not comfort.. not suit their faces's shape...n bla..bla..
as i wore shawl 4 almost 3 years.. i prefer it than other 'tudung'...feelin more confident in shawl....
we can even learn 2 wear shawl in youtube..quite simple stuff 4 girls isnt it??
lets c some instances of wearing shawl...
when i've lot of time.. i'll upload my tutorial 2 wear shawl....not now.. got double test dis week...
be a vouge n stylo chic....
to be continue...
some of my buddies...said it quite complicated 2 wear it... got to 'belit2' around.. some gave me da reason dat not comfort.. not suit their faces's shape..
as i wore shawl 4 almost 3 years.. i prefer it than other 'tudung'...feelin more confident in shawl....
we can even learn 2 wear shawl in youtube..quite simple stuff 4 girls isnt it??
lets c some instances of wearing shawl...
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basic way.. |
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luv her style.. |
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nice n simple... |
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suit any fnction.. |
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4 casual look.. |
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S+T+Y+L+I+S+H |
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not suit well 2 attend a lecture...BUT...look fantastic... |
when i've lot of time.. i'll upload my tutorial 2 wear shawl....not now.. got double test dis week...
be a vouge n stylo chic....
to be continue...
Monday, February 14, 2011
tmmrw gonna bE maulidur Rasul.. i'm attending a cermny tonitE. planNed to reviSE 4 da test...this day only comes once a year.. much preferable thn my revision..urm..noting good 2 be shared....c u guyts later...
'selamat menyambut Maulidur Rasul'..
~selawat dan salam ke atas Nabi Muhammad~
'selamat menyambut Maulidur Rasul'..
~selawat dan salam ke atas Nabi Muhammad~
what's love really mean??? a boy n a girl being together? 'sayang & abang'???
most of us judge n see love in such a conservative way... for me,love is infinty.. as i love Allah, i love my mum, i love my abah, i love my siblings, i love my teachers, i love my frens. i love my boifren..too many love in my life isnt it???
But, i still in dilemma,finding my true love n pondering da best way 2 show my love 2 Allah...all muslims love Allah as i do.. i can feel dat i'm not a perfect muslim,got so many weakness,careless bout some vital aspects in Islam... Finding my way to Allah...& insyaALLAH i'll find it soon..~Amin~
do u guys ever feel what true love is???
willing to try, but not now.. maybe one day, it come to me naturally....
love is part of nature......
urm, do i love to have my test day after tmmrow??
doesnt prepared anything yet...kindda scary...i guess im not having butterfly in my tummy, but an elephant... too nervous n afraid of the upcoming test...
'cinta saya'.....
my mum...luv her soooOO much.. |
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