wondering what will be 5??? actully its 5 more month 2 go for my belated birthday...huhuhu.. my age bcome older n older.. hopefully, my maturity too... even the days we spend together passed....i'll gonna remember all of u as part of my life once n forever.. to all my freinds in P one... "sy syg kamu semua.. 36/37"... another 1/37 gonna be ME!!!huhuhu... time n memories wit u guys gonna last forever n honestly i'm glad to know all of them n i shared soo many things from them,, hardship,laughs n tears...BUT... i' m just gonna remember the sweet one as the hurting one was just only co-incident... and i knew, they didnt mean it.. just differ in ideology i guess.. im gonna be strong n hard... thanks 2 one of boys in P one..his words 2 me means a lot.."be strong k"
feelin like having fever.. got something dat hurt my nostril...trying to be strong n getting better...
lets have pics time!!!
cEo Mcd... |
sunFlower lah!!! |
kehidupan berkuliah~mungkin???~ |
gadis jelita d pinggir jalan.. |
new member?? |
lily n orchid |
rose |
engineers in da making... |
baby @ mcd.. Najlah.. |
opAh orchid |
lily blooming(^_^) |
berunsur kepura-puraan |
jelita nya gadis di pinggir jalan tuh!! haha
ReplyDeletehahaha...thanks la...