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Saturday, February 26, 2011

loVe 'eM oL...

tHanks to orchid,daisy,lily,sunflower,rose.... i'm hvin  a great nite.. spending time to talk n laugh tghtr...
actually im having the'cik peaH' party tonite.. bought big apple donuts,chips, A kfc....then got KOWWW nescafe.. what  a great blend...urm....
    keep smiling when i b wit them....i'm glad to know i still got frens like 'em... LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH...
some snap pic of '..cik pEaH' party....
flower... like my herat blooming...

orchid +lily+sunflower= kedah


oreo 4 daisy

our faveret.. alien

food lovers...
half of 'em